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Mighty Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men Mighty Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men Vol. 2 - Where Walks the Juggernaut (Paperback)

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Mighty Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men Mighty Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men Vol. 2 - Where Walks the Juggernaut (Paperback)
Product Description

The X-Men blend super hero action teen angst and a potent metaphor for the turbulent issues of the 60s into one powerful package! And in this volume Stan Lee and Jack Kirby finished laying the foundation for what would later become comics biggest franchise! Experience the unstoppable Juggernaut s devastating debut and learn his shocking connection to Professor X! Plus: Thrill to the first appearances of the cosmic Stranger the power-copying Mimic and - in a classic three-part saga - the mutant-hunting robots known as the Sentinels! And for good measure it s all topped off with the return of Magneto and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants - and a devastating attack on the X-Men s school! They re mutant milestones one and all! Collecting X-MEN (1963) #11-19.

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March 4, 2025

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