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Lifepac Complete Set Grade 9 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Lifepac Complete Set Grade 9 (Paperback)
Product Description

Combined into one set the LIFEPAC 9th Grade 5-Subject Set contains the courses of New Testament Survey Civics & World Geography English I Algebra I and General Science III. And it costs less than ordering subjects individually! This step-by-step Bible-centered Alpha Omega curriculum is based on the concept of mastery learning and offers flexibility with personalized instruction. Colorful consumable lessons and supplemental hands-on activities make this curriculum set fun and easy.Each LIFEPAC subject contains ten separate worktexts and a teacher s guide. Filled with motivating lessons and diverse review questions the LIFEPAC 9th Grade 5-Subject Set will give your child a solid well-rounded education! Ordering homeschool curriculum has never been easier.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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