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The Gaia Collection (Books 1-3) (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Gaia Collection (Books 1-3) (Hardcover)
Product Description

The Gaia Collection is the complete trilogy of all three hopeful dystopia climate-fiction Gaia books together in one volume. The books are set 200 years in the future. Most of the planet and the human race have been decimated during The Event when the world went to war with high-energy radiation weapons. Those who are left live in isolated cities across the globe thinking themselves safe and secure from threat. In The Gaia Effect Kira and Jed Jenkins - a young couple who were recently allocated a child - together with their closest friends discover Corporation have been deliberately lying to them and forcing them to remain sterile. With help from Gaia the spirit of the Earth the group of friends begin to fight back against Corporation eventually winning and taking over the governance of City 42. In The Gaia Project Corporation fight back under a new more terrifying organization called New Corp and Kira Jed and their friends end up fleeing for their lives trying to find a safe place to live. They travel to City 36 and City 9 in vain and must go further afield. In the final book The Gaia Solution the main characters have ended up with the Resistance and not only do they have to deal with surviving against New Corp but an extinction environmental event is looming on the horizon and they re running out of time to save what s left of the human race.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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