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AOSpine Manual: Principles and Techniques/Clinical Applications Aebi Max; Arlet Vincent and Webb John K.

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Product Name
AOSpine Manual: Principles and Techniques/Clinical Applications Aebi Max; Arlet Vincent and Webb John K.
Product Description

Based on the successful format of AO courses this two-volume reference is a comprehensive manual for the latest AO spine techniques. For each case the book guides the reader from case presentation through rationale for surgical treatment and to non-operative treatment options. The authors describe potential complications in spine surgery and outcomes. Volume I Principles and Techniques begins with a complete review of basic science concepts helping the reader understand the biomechanics biology and the surgical anatomy of the spine. This volume provides a systematic overview of spinal instrumentation computer-assisted surgery and anesthesia considerations. Volume II Clinical Applications presents a compilation of clinical cases addressing the most common spinal problems such as spinal trauma tumors infections inflammatory processes deformities degenerative spinal diseases and metabolic bone disease. Throughout both volumes high-quality photographs and drawings illustrate surgical techniques step-by-step and demonstrate key concepts of management. Clear easy-to-reference bulleted lists and shaded text boxes facilitate rapid review of important learning points. An accompanying DVD-ROM with video clips from live surgery symposia and practical exercises also enhance the readers learning experience.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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