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The Constitution of the United States and The Declaration of Independence (Hardcover)

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The Constitution of the United States and The Declaration of Independence (Hardcover)
Product Description

It s more important than ever for every American to know exactly what the Constitution the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence actually says. Here is the essential 45-page pocket-size edition. The greatest gifts from our Founding Fathers are the two most fundamental documents in American politics. This quick easy reference for our federal government s structure powers and limitations includes: - The Constitution of the United States - The Bill of Rights - All Amendments to the Constitution - The Declaration of Independence Whether you are a Democrat Republican or independent whether you are a support of Donald Trump or not if you live and vote in the United States of America you understand that The Constitution of the United States and The Declaration of Independence are two of the most important documents in American history. They convey the principles on which the country was founded and provide the ideals that still guide American politics today. Signed by the members of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 17 1787 The Constitution outlines the powers and responsibilities of the three chief branches of the federal government (executive branch judicial branch legislative branch) as well as the basic rights of the citizens of the United States (freedom of speech freedom of the press freedom of religion etc.) The Declaration of Independence was crafted by Thomas Jefferson in June of 1776 and it provides the foundation of American political philosophy. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Collected here in one affordable pocket-sized volume are some of the most valued pieces of writing in the history of our country. This edition contains The Constitution of the United States of America including The Bill of Rights and all of the subsequent amendments as well as The Declaration of Independence. These are word-for-word facsimiles of significant documents. Every American should own a copy. The Delegates of the Constitutional Convention also known as the Founding Fathers were a collective of fifty-five appointed individuals from the original thirteen colonies who attended the Constitutional Convention sessions although only thirty-nine actually signed the Constitution. Some of its most notable member are George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin.

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January 14, 2025

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