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The Complete Jewelry Making Course (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Complete Jewelry Making Course (Paperback)
Product Description

The comprehensive guide to the craft of jewelry making! Craft your path to becoming a jewelry artisan with The Complete Jewelry Making Course: Principles Practice and Techniques: A Beginner s Course for Aspiring Jewelry Makers. This must-have art book covers every step of the jewelry making process from creating original design concepts to making professionally finished pieces of jewelry. Author Jinks McGrath lists all required tools and equipment explains their uses advises on safe working practices and then guides her readers through every stage of the jewelry making process in a series of carefully structured tutorials. Beginners and enthusiasts will learn-- How to turn an original idea into a workable design and ultimately a beautiful piece of jewelry How to work with precious and semiprecious stones metals glass plastic resin and wood How to present and sell jewelry to dealers and wholesalers Clear full-color step-by-step photos demonstrate the methods of fashioning metals by heating hammering casting soldering riveting polishing finishing and adding surface decoration. At-a-glance panels explain how to apply the techniques and choose the correct materials from crystals to sterling silver. While this thorough easy-to-understand jewelry guide is a perfect gift for adults who love crafts it s also the perfect how-to-guide for transforming hobbyists into true professionals. This complete guide is also ideal for fashion and jewelry courses. Learn the art of jewelry making with just one must-have book!

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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