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Greenwood Biographies Michael Jordan: A Biography (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Greenwood Biographies Michael Jordan: A Biography (Hardcover)
Product Description

With the possible exceptions of boxer Muhammad Ali and baseball player Babe Ruth no athlete has made a greater impact on American society-or in the world-than Michael Jordan. Follow the life of one of the most recognizable athletes and living brands inside this engaging and balanced biography. He is among the best-known and wealthiest athletes in the history of organized sports. With the possible exceptions of boxer Muhammad Ali and baseball player Babe Ruth no athlete has made a greater impact on American society-or in the world-than Michael Jordan. Follow the life of one of the most recognizable athletes and living brands inside this engaging and balanced biography. When basketball stars Larry Bird and Magic Johnson retired in the early 1990s Michael almost single-handedly propelled the NBA to stratospheric levels of success and international visibility. As a player for the Chicago Bulls he generated instant crowd thrills with his record-setting drives and dunks selling countless books newspapers videotapes NBA game tickets and hours of television time. The NBA promoted Michael basing its popularity on his image as the greatest showman in sports history. Yet his sports hero status extends beyond NBA records. Michael changed the game by becoming the most effectively marketed athlete of his generation. Nike and many other companies rode-and continue to ride-on the coattails of Air Jordan s legend. Author David Porter highlights Jordan s on and off the court accomplishments and examines his relationship with Chicago Bulls coaches his commercial endorsements and his current role as part-owner of the Charlotte Bobcats. A chronology photos career stats and a bibliography of print and electronic resources round out this biography of one of the most influential athletes of the twentieth century.

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March 4, 2025

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