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Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods (Hardcover)
Product Description

While preserving the clear accessible style of previous editions Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods Fourth Edition reflects the latest developments in computer-intensive methods that deal with intractable analytical problems and unwieldy data sets. Reorganized and with additional material this edition begins with a brief summary of some relevant general statistical concepts and an introduction to basic ideas of nonparametric or distribution-free methods. Designed experiments including those with factorial treatment structures are now the focus of an entire chapter. The text also expands coverage on the analysis of survival data and the bootstrap method. The new final chapter focuses on important modern developments such as large sample methods and computer-intensive applications. Keeping mathematics to a minimum this text introduces nonparametric methods to undergraduate students who are taking either mainstream statistics courses or statistics courses within other disciplines. By giving the proper attention to data collection and the interpretation of analyses it provides a full introduction to nonparametric methods.

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March 4, 2025

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