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The Exercise Balance (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Exercise Balance (Paperback)
Product Description

Healthy exercise means finding a balance between overtraining and inactivity. By using a combination of clinical studies and real-life examples this book shows readers how to develop their own personal prescription for discovering that balance. Written by two specialists in the field of eating disorders it details both ends of the exercise continuum from compulsive exercisers who push their bodies to the limit to people with little or no physical activity in their daily lives. The authors explain the psychological and health issues that can result from compulsive exercise -- including bone loss fractures amenorrhea and unhealthy eating. They also cover the problems arising from inadequate exercise and provide ways that ill people can safely implement fitness programs. The book is not a weight-loss guide; instead it emphasizes the importance of proper exercise offering readers of all sizes ages and health levels practical solutions for changing their routines and finding a healthy exercise balance.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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