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C&S Products Mealworm Suet Dough Nuggets 27 oz Wild Bird Food 1 Pack Fresh

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Product Name
C&S Products Mealworm Suet Dough Nuggets 27 oz Wild Bird Food 1 Pack Fresh
Product Description

C&S Products Mealworm Suet Dough Nuggets 27 oz. bag are a NO WASTE ready to feed wild bird food that has a high energy suet base formula. The suet is blended with protein packer mealworms and additional high oil content ingredients and then formed into soft nuggets. This formulation is a favorite of suet and insect eating songbirds. Mealworm Suet Nuggets can be fed alone in nugget feeder on a platform feeder or used in traditional feeders when mixed with 5 to 10 pounds of your favorite wild bird seed blend. Convenient and easy to use. Comes in a resealable bag. Nuggets are ideal for successful year round wild bird feeding that will provide quality entertainment and pleasure to all ages by bringing them closer to nature while observing and watching wild birds as they feed. Condition: New Fresh

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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