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The Authentic Confucius : A Life of Thought and Politics (Hardcover)

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The Authentic Confucius : A Life of Thought and Politics (Hardcover)
Product Description

A thoughtful and authoritative biography of Confucious--a philosopher whose ongoing relevance is unparalleled and who is just as current in China today as he was one thousand years ago. For more than two thousand years Confucius has been an inseparable part of China s history. Yet despite this fame Confucius the man has been elusive. Now in The Authentic Confucius Annping Chin has worked through the most reliable Chinese texts in her quest to sort out what is really known about Confucius from the reconstructions and the guesswork that muddled his memory. Chin skillfully illuminates the political and social climate in which Confucius lived. She explains how Confucius made the transition from court advisor to wanderer and how he reluctantly became a professional teacher as he refined his judgment of human character and composed his vision of a moral political order. The result is an absorbing and original book that shows how Confucius lived and thought: his habits and inclinations his relation to the people of the time his work as a teacher and as a counselor his worries about the world and the generations to come. In this book Chin brings the historical Confucius within our reach so that he can lead us into his idea of the moral and to his teachings on family and politics culture and learning. The Authentic Confucius is a masterful account of the life and intellectual development of a thinker whose presence remains a powerful force today.

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March 4, 2025

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