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Eastar 2-Pack 10 Steel Cow Bell for Sporting Events Football Games Cheering Handle Cowbells Loud Noise Makers Christmas Party School Wedding Farm Black

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Eastar 2-Pack 10 Steel Cow Bell for Sporting Events Football Games Cheering Handle Cowbells Loud Noise Makers Christmas Party School Wedding Farm Black
Product Description

The ECB-006B Cowbell is a hand percussion instrument used in various styles of both popular and classical music. It is named after the similar bell historically used by herdsmen to keep track of the whereabouts of cows. Want to be the loudest fan in the stadium? Switch to the Eatar ECB-006 Cow Bell to save your voice and cheer it up! Designed for serious unofficial cheerleaders this portable cowbell has a sturdy design. The smooth exterior surface of each bell is ideal and can be decorated and customized with stickers decals paints or permanent markers so you can show off teamwork or personalize each teamwork. all. The bells have clap balls inside so there is no need to drum up! While the cowbell is commonly found in musical contexts its origin can be traced to freely roaming animals. To help identify the herd to which these animals belonged; herdsmen placed these bells around the animal s neck. As the animals moved about the bell would ring thus making it easier to know of the animal s whereabouts. Though the bells were used on various types of animals they are typically referred to as cowbells due to their extensive use with cattle. There will be a small gap in the shoulder of the bell but it will not affect the use.

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Last updated
February 19, 2025

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