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Sesame Street: Let s Go Potty Elmo! (Edition 2) (Board book)

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Product Name
Sesame Street: Let s Go Potty Elmo! (Edition 2) (Board book)
Product Description

With wheels to turn flaps to lift and tabs to pull this sturdy board book helps teach toddlers the necessities of bathroom hygiene. Playing is so much fun but everyone has to take a potty break sometimes--even Elmo! Taking all the right steps can be a challenge too but now kids can help Elmo remember how by showing him the toilet paper reminding him to flush and wash hands. Kids will love pulling the tabs turning the wheels and lifting the flaps in this engaging book that explains the basics of bathroom hygiene. Honored as a Finalist in the 2016 International Book Awards in the Children s Picture Book: Hardcover Non-fiction category.

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Last updated
December 12, 2024

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