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Tortillas Tiswin and T-Bones: A Food History of the Southwest (Paperback)

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Product Name
Tortillas Tiswin and T-Bones: A Food History of the Southwest (Paperback)
Product Description

In this entertaining history Gregory McNamee explores the many ethnic and cultural traditions that have contributed to the food of the Southwest. He traces the origins of the cuisine to the arrival of humans in the Americas the work of the earliest farmers of Mesoamerica and the most ancient trade networks joining peoples of the coast plains and mountains. From the ancient chile pepper and agave to the comparatively recent fare of sushi and Frito pie this complex culinary journey involves many players over space and time. Born of scarcity migration and climate change these foods are now fully at home in the Southwest of today--and with the southwesternization of the American palate at large they are found across the globe. McNamee extends that story across thousands of years to the present even imagining what the southwestern menu will look like in the near future.

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March 4, 2025

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