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The Mass Settings of Seán and Peadar Ó Riada (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Mass Settings of Seán and Peadar Ó Riada (Hardcover)
Product Description

It presents an investigation into the liturgical music of Sean and Peadar O Riada through an examination of three Roman-Rite mass settings composed in the Irish vernacular from within the cultural context of the West-Cork Gaeltacht of Muscrai. The main part of the work running from Chapters Three to Six consists of a detailed analysis of the contents of the mass settings a body of material which is considered from the following perspectives: as emanating from a living culture of native traditional song; as part of a historical continuum of monophonic liturgical composition for the Roman Rite having at its origins the compositional traditions of plainchant; as part of a broader aesthetic context of text-music relationships found in the repertoires of plainchant medieval song and folksong; and finally as part of the new liturgical reality existing since the Second Vatican Council which requires viable and sustainable musical approaches to the setting of vernacular texts.

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March 4, 2025

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