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First 100 First 100 PB Box Set (5 Books): First 100 Words; First 100 Animals; First 100 Trucks and Things That Go; First 100 Numbe (Paperback)

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First 100 First 100 PB Box Set (5 Books): First 100 Words; First 100 Animals; First 100 Trucks and Things That Go; First 100 Numbe (Paperback)
Product Description

This attractive First 100 box set contains five of Roger Priddy s bestselling word books published in paperback for the first time with a sticker sheet in each. Full of big bright photographs and bold word labels these are fantastic books to encourage and improve your toddler s speaking and picture recognition skills. Infants and toddlers will learn key concepts and words with these bright board books. Each book has 100 color photographs to look at and talk about and 100 simple first words to read and learn too. The pages are made from tough board for hours of fun reading and the cover is softly padded for little hands to hold. Pack includes: First 100 Words; First 100 Animals; First 100 Trucks and Things That Go; First 100 Numbers; and First 100 Colors ABC Numbers.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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