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Zoom Car Seat Adapter

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Product Name
Zoom Car Seat Adapter
Product Description

Joovy’s Zoom 360 Jogging Stroller is perfect for your morning run but it’s even better with a Peg Perego Car Seat Adapter. Drive to the park click your baby into the adapter on your stroller and hit the pavement — no need to wake a sleeping baby. Zoom Car Seat Adapter - Graco Click Connect: This adapter is compatible with the following infant car seat models: Graco Snugride Snuglock 35 DLX Graco Snugride Click Connect 35 Graco Snugride Click Connect 35 LX Graco Snugride Click Connect 40 Baby Jogger City Go Infant Car. Zoom Car Seat Adapter - Britax/BOB B-Safe: This adapter is compatible with the following infant car seat models: Britax B-Safe BOB B-Safe Britax B-Safe 35 and Britax B-Safe 35 Elite. Zoom Car Seat Adapter - UPPAbaby Mesa: This adapter is compatible with the following infant car seat models: UPPAbaby MESA. Zoom Car Seat Adapter - Maxi Cosi/Cybex: This adapter is compatible with the following infant car seat models: Maxi-Cosi Mico Maxi-Cosi Mico AP Maxi-Cosi Prezi Cybex Aton Cybex Aton 2 Cybex Aton Q. Zoom Car Seat Adapter - Graco Classic Connect: Compatible with Graco SnugRide Classic Connect car seats. Zoom Car Seat Adapter - Chicco: Compatible with the following car seat models: Chicco Fit2 Chicco KeyFit 30 Chicco KeyFit 30 Magic Chicco KeyFit 30 Zip and Chicco KeyFit 30 Zip Air. Zoom Car Seat Adapter - Peg Perego: Compatible with Peg Perego car seats.

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Last updated
January 27, 2025

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