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Buck Buck Moose: Recipes and Techniques for Cooking Deer Elk Moose Antelope and Other Antlered Things (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Buck Buck Moose: Recipes and Techniques for Cooking Deer Elk Moose Antelope and Other Antlered Things (Hardcover)
Product Description

The acclaimed wild game cookbook by the James Beard Award-winning author of Hunt Gather Cook and Duck Duck Goose. More than 75 000 copies sold! This is not your father s venison cookbook. Buck Buck Moose is the first comprehensive lushly photographed full-color guide to working with and cooking all forms of venison including deer elk moose antelope and caribou. Buck Buck Moose will take you around the world from nose to tail. The book features more than 100 recipes ranging from traditional dishes from six continents to original recipes never before seen. You ll also get thorough instructions on how to butcher age and store your venison as well as how to use virtually every part of the animal. Buck Buck Moose also includes a lengthy section on curing venison and sausage-making. Peppered throughout are stories of the hunt and essays on why venison holds such a special place in human society. Venison is far more than mere food. It is in many ways what made us human.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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