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GMAT for Dummies (Paperback)

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Product Name
GMAT for Dummies (Paperback)
Product Description

Score higher on the GMAT If the thought of the GMAT gives you the jitters this trusted test-prep guide is here to wash your worries away! Covering everything you can expect to encounter on exam day GMAT For Dummies gives you the practical time-tested guidance you need to conquer your fears maximize your score and get into the business school of your dreams. Designed to measure your mastery of verbal mathematical analytical and writing skills the GMAT serves as the gatekeeper of world-class graduate degrees in business finance management accountancy and economy. With this book and companion website as your guide you ll find all the helpful tips and tricks you need to brush up on each section of the exam chart your progress and focus your study on the areas where you need more help. Includes a plain-English explanation of the test s format Provides reviews of foundational concepts for every section Offers complete explanations of every question type Includes two full-length practice tests in the book plus three more online Even if the big day is just around the corner GMAT For Dummies makes it faster and easier than ever to outsmart the competition and get on the road to acquiring that coveted MBA!

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March 4, 2025

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