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Bodymindcore Work for the Movement Therapist : Leading Clients to Core Breath and Awareness (Paperback)

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Bodymindcore Work for the Movement Therapist : Leading Clients to Core Breath and Awareness (Paperback)
Product Description

Body and movement awareness is the key to unblocking restrictions in movement and manual therapy. This book offers innovative techniques to help clients become aware of their own restrictions and to move through them effectively for more whole body and mind wellbeing. The principles of Noah Karrasch s CORE(R) model focus on whole body breath and movement awareness in order to determine where restrictions and blockages in the body may occur. Based on a lifetime of fine-tuning CORE(R) theory and practice this comprehensive text not only explains in detail how and why this model works but will also help movement therapists get better results for clients by being more in tune with them and their bodies and by improving clarity in their own practitioner bodies. Looking at the body as a whole with its four centres and five restriction areas this book shows how to help clients move into and through spaces that may be `stuck . Photographs and illustrations demonstrate how to work from a free and resilient CORE(R) and how to isolate stretch and release restrictions to achieve greater energy levels and pain reduction. With the mantra that in order to treat the physical we must also examine our emotional mental and energetic states this book shows how to better involve clients in their own healing process through movement work.

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Last updated
February 19, 2025

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