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Rhinase Lubricating Nasal Mist, 1 fl oz

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Product Name
Rhinase Lubricating Nasal Mist, 1 fl oz
Product Description

Soothe symptoms and moisturize nasal passages with Rhinase Nasal Mist for Allergies. Featuring a dual wetting agent, it works effectively and efficiently to restore moisture to the nasal cavity. This nasal moisturizer contains a dual salt formulation of sodium and potassium that works safely and naturally. A pH-balance equivalent to the environment of the sinuses prevents interference with steroid medications as well as dryness and stinging. Rhinase lubricating nasal mist is freeof steroids to deliver effective results for kids and adults alike without being habit forming. It also won't interfere with other medications containing steroids. Rhinase nasal mist for allergies is hypoallergenic and free of fragrances, dyes aloe so it works for those with sensitive noses. It relieves chronic dryness as well as allergies, preventing itching and supplying nose bleed relief. Metered doses ensure controlled, consistent release of the mist. This stuffy nose relief spray is also useful in environments with low humidity.

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Last updated
February 9, 2025

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