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Amy's, Vegetarian Frozen Entrees, (Pack of 12), Variety of Options to Choose From

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Product Name
Amy's, Vegetarian Frozen Entrees, (Pack of 12), Variety of Options to Choose From
Product Description

Amy's Kitchen makes food in much the same way as you do at home. They start out with the freshest, organic vegetables they can find. They purchase high quality pastas, grains, beans and dairy from hormone-free cows. They make everything by hand. People love the organic convenience foods created by Amy's Kitchen. Here are some reasons why. It's delicious and tastes homemade. Amy's food tastes so good because it's made from the kind of real food ingredients that people use in their own additives, no preservatives, no GMOs. It's made from organic ingredients. Fruits, vegetables and grains are grown organically without the use of insecticides and other harmful chemicals. Everything is vegetarian. No meat, fish, poultry or eggs are used in any product. Cheeses do not contain animal enzymes or rennet. You'll never get bored. Amy's has a large selection of meals! You will find quickly prepared fast food items to complete meals.

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Last updated
February 3, 2025

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