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The Grit Guide for Teens: A Workbook to Help You Build Perseverance Self-Control and a Growth Mindset (Paperback)

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The Grit Guide for Teens: A Workbook to Help You Build Perseverance Self-Control and a Growth Mindset (Paperback)
Product Description

When the going gets tough it s time to get gritty. Written by a clinical-child and school psychologist and based in the latest research The Grit Guide for Teens will help you build perseverance resilience self-control and stamina. As a teen setting and reaching goals is an important part of growing up. Whether you want to do well in school get into a good college make friends excel in sports or master the fine arts or music--you know you need to persevere in order to succeed. You ve probably heard the term grit at school or from your parents but what does it really mean? Made popular by Angela Duckworth in her New York Times bestseller the term grit embodies all the characteristics that help people accomplish the things they want such as self-control tenacity and the ability to fail well. Using the skills outlined in this book you ll develop both grit and a growth mind-set--a way of thinking that focuses on improvement and hard work in order to achieve any goal you set for yourself. You ll learn how to make grit an everyday habit turn disappointments into opportunities embrace challenges manage stress and be the very best version of you that you can be. Studies show that grit isn t something you have to be born with--it can be taught and learned! This book will give you everything you need to get gritty open your mind to all life s possibilities and succeed in everything you do.

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March 4, 2025

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