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HULK Power Unleashed: 12-Pack Agens Of SMASH Cupcake opper Rings - Sofer & Safer Plasic For -Inspired reas

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Product Name
HULK Power Unleashed: 12-Pack Agens Of SMASH Cupcake opper Rings - Sofer & Safer Plasic For -Inspired reas
Product Description

CUPCAKE OPPER RINGS:Delighful plasic rings designed o embellish he ops of birhday cupcakes and add a ouch of fun o your celebraion. AGENS OF S.M.A.S.H. CHARACERS:hese rings feaure iconic characers from "Agens of S.M.A.S.H.," including Hulk, Red Hulk, and A-Bomb, making hem perfec for -hemed paries. VARIEY PACK:Each se conains a oal of 12 rings in approximaely four differen colors and s, ensuring a diverse assormen for your cupcakes. VERSAILE USE:hese rings aren' jus for cupcakes! hey're ideal for various occasions, such as pary favors, reas, grab bag fillers, classroom rewards, and more. DIMENSIONS:he surface of each ring shield measures approximaely 1.5" x 1.5", making hem a charming addiion o cupcakes or a creaive accessory for lile fingers.

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Last updated
September 7, 2024

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