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The May Queen Murders (Paperback)

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Product Name
The May Queen Murders (Paperback)
Product Description

Stay on the roads. Don t enter the woods. Never go out at night. Those are the rules in Rowan s Glen a remote farming community in the Missouri Ozarks where Ivy Templeton s family has lived for centuries. It s an old-fashioned way of life full of superstition and traditions and sixteen-year-old Ivy loves it. The other kids at school may think the Glen kids are weird but Ivy doesn t care--she has her cousin Heather as her best friend. The two girls share everything with each other--or so Ivy thinks. When Heather goes missing after a May Day celebration Ivy discovers that both her best friend and her beloved hometown are as full of secrets as the woods that surround them.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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