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Textual Studies and Translations in Indo Calm Abiding and Special Insight: Achieving Spiritual Transformation through Meditation (Paperback)

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Textual Studies and Translations in Indo Calm Abiding and Special Insight: Achieving Spiritual Transformation through Meditation (Paperback)
Product Description

Calm Abiding and Special Insight presents an intimate and detailed picture of the intricacies of meditation so vividly that the reader is drawn into a Tibetan worldview of spiritual development. Geshe Gedün Lodrö one of the foremost scholars of Tibet reveals methods for overcoming afflictive states and disorders to create a mind which is stable calm and alertly clear. This book illustrates the mind s potential for profound transformation. The dangers of not recognizing states contrary to successful meditation are great and the possibilities of implementing the wrong antidote or of overextending an appropriate one until it becomes counterproductive are many. Through such detail Geshe Gedün Lodrö makes vividly clear a Tibetan approach to meditative transformation. This is a completely revised new edition of Walking Through Walls.

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March 4, 2025

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