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Barbecue Sauces Rubs and Marinades--Bastes Butters & Glazes Too - Paperback

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Product Name
Barbecue Sauces Rubs and Marinades--Bastes Butters & Glazes Too - Paperback
Product Description

Every griller s secret weapon! Transform meats and seafood vegetables and desserts into world-class barbecue with the flavor foundations wet and dry that give grilled food its character personality depth and soul. Chile-fired rubs citrusy marinades buttery bastes pack-a-wallop sauces plus mops. slaters sambals and chutneys--this cornucopia of more than 200 recipes draws on irresistible Thai Mexican Indian Cajun Jamaican Italian and French cuisines plus those big flavor building blocks from America s barbecue belt. Barbecue Hall of Famer Steven Raichlen shows how to add the expert touch to every dish in your repertoire from transforming a simple steak to electrifying an exotic kebab. Includes a step-by-step guide to building a signature barbecue sauce and recipes for more than 30 outrageous main dishes.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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