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No Meat Athlete Cookbook - Paperback

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Product Name
No Meat Athlete Cookbook - Paperback
Product Description

A fast-growing global movement No Meat Athlete (NMA) earns new fans every day by showing how everyone from weekend joggers to world-class competitors can become even healthier and fitter by eating whole plant foods. Now The No Meat Athlete Cookbook--written by NMA founder Matt Frazier and longtime health coach yoga teacher and food writer Stepfanie Romine--showcases 125 delicious vegan recipes many inspired by plant-based foods from around the world. Put nourishing whole foods on the table quickly and affordably with: Morning meals to power your day (Almond Butter-Banana Pancakes Harissa Baked Tofu) Homemade sports drinks to fuel your workouts (Cucumber-Lime Electrolyte Drink Switchel: The Original Sports Drink) Nutrient-packed mains to aid recovery (Naked Samosa Burgers Almost Instant Ramen) Sweets that work for your body (Two-Minute Turtles Mango Sticky Rice) Oil-free options for every recipe; gluten-free and soy-free options throughout

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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