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Concepts for Critical Psychology: Marxism and Psychoanalysis: In or against Psychology? (Hardcover)

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Concepts for Critical Psychology: Marxism and Psychoanalysis: In or against Psychology? (Hardcover)
Product Description

The methods developed by Freud and Marx have enabled a range of scholars to critically reflect upon the ideological underpinnings of modern and now postmodern or hypermodern western societies. In this intriguing book the discipline of psychology itself is screened through the twin dynamics of Marxism and psychoanalysis. David Pavón-Cuéllar asks to what extent the terms concerns and goals of psychology reflect in fact the dominant bourgeois ideology that has allowed it to flourish. The book charts a gradual psychologization within society and culture dating from the nineteenth century and examines how the tacit ideals within mainstream psychology - creating good citizens or productive workers - sit uneasily against Marx and Freud s ambitions of revealing fault-lines and contradictions within individualist and consumer-oriented structures. The positivist aspiration of psychology to become a natural science has been the source of extensive debate critical voices asserting the social and cultural contexts through which the human mind and behaviour should be understood. This challenging new book provides another voice that in addressing two of the most influential intellectual traditions of the past 150 years widens the debate still further to examine the foundations of psychology.

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March 4, 2025

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