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Orthopedic Rehabilitation Assessment and Enablement (Paperback)

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Product Name
Orthopedic Rehabilitation Assessment and Enablement (Paperback)
Product Description

This comprehensive text covers not only every aspect of musculoskeletal system rehabilitation but extends even further into such topics as alternative medicine and holistic therapies. The book covers major breakthroughs and advances in spinal cord injury and major advances in neuroprostheses and amputee rehabilitation. It describes cutting edge technologies such as the use of virtual reality artificial intelligence minimally invasive surgery and their impact on different walks of orthopedics. A completely new look on the important topic of geriatric hip rehabilitation is included. Each chapter covers the basic science of the subject clinical assessments as well as rehabilitation options methods and their outcomes. While the information throughout the text is presented in a highly structured and concise manner the subjects are covered in extraordinary detail. This book will serve a wide community and be part of the required reading for healthcare professionals.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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