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Fitness Professional s Handbook (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Fitness Professional s Handbook (Hardcover)
Product Description

Fitness Professional s Handbook Seventh Edition With HKPropel Access provides current and future fitness professionals with the knowledge to screen participants conduct standardized fitness tests evaluate the major components of fitness and prescribe appropriate exercise. The fully updated text uses the latest standards guidelines and research from authorities in the field to prepare readers for certification and arm them with the knowledge to work with a variety of clients and populations. This full-color text incorporates information from the 10th edition of ACSM s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription and the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans exercise and physical activity recommendations for adults older adults children and those with special needs. The text embraces the importance of communication between allied health and medical professionals with those in the fitness arena to provide readers with a foundation for prescribing exercise and delivering need- and goal-specific physical activity and fitness programs. Every chapter has been updated allowing readers to explore the newest theories and research findings and apply them to real-world situations. The following are among the most significant changes to the seventh edition: - Related online content delivered via HKPropel that includes an online video library containing 24 video clips to help readers better apply key techniques covered in the book as well as fillable forms that students can use beyond the classroom - A new chapter Training for Performance helps professionals expand their practice to work with recreational athletes who have performance-related goals - New information including the consequences of exercise-induced muscle damage (rhabdomyolysis) devices used to track physical activity and estimate energy expenditure (e.g. accelerometers) relative flexibility and the role of lumbopelvic rhythm in back function the importance of progression in an exercise prescription and the professional standard of care associated with HIIT programs reflects recent topics of interest and research - Updated statistics on CVD and CHD from the American Heart Association adult and childhood obesity and the prevalence of COPD asthma bronchitis and emphysema ensure accurate representation of data - Chapter quizzes have been added to an updated ancillary package that also includes an instructor guide test package presentation package and image bank With a comprehensive and practical approach this text enables readers to help individuals communities and groups gain the benefits of regular physical activity in a positive and safe environment. It provides background to the field scientific fundamentals and up-to-date recommendations to help readers better understand the role of physical activity in the quality of life and guidelines for screening testing supervising and modifying activity for various populations. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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