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Montana Territory Pioneer Recipes & Trivia: Early Montana Pioneer Recipes ... And a little of the way of today! (Paperback)

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Montana Territory Pioneer Recipes & Trivia: Early Montana Pioneer Recipes ... And a little of the way of today! (Paperback)
Product Description

The ladies of the Jolly Jill s Women s Club learned the early day pioneer methods of living from their grandmothers mothers and yes from experience. They have gathered wood cooked on wood stoves had gardens preserved fruits and vegetables butchered livestock and wild game and had no electricity or running water. They were not the early pioneers of the frontier but these ladies lived and experienced similar conditions and learned from the pioneer women in their lives. No electricity! No refrigeration! Make candles so you can have light! Running water? Yes you run and get it! You mean you make your own soap? How do you wash clothing? What is a root cellar and what is it for? What were kitchens like? How do you can and preserve food? They had rugs on dirt floors? These are just a few of the things pioneer women dealt with in the early days. Montana Territory Pioneer Recipes & Trivia tells a little of what life was like for the early-day women of the good old days and a little of the way of today!

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March 4, 2025

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