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Non-Working Replica 1:1 Pretend Phones Dummy Display Phone Model for Phone 14 6.1 inches Fake Model Phone Baby Cell Phone Toy

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Product Name
Non-Working Replica 1:1 Pretend Phones Dummy Display Phone Model for Phone 14 6.1 inches Fake Model Phone Baby Cell Phone Toy
Product Description

This pretend play phone is designed for Famous Phone 14 series (2022 series) Pretend phone toy – Substitute your real cell phone to kids or children that want a phone so badly but is still too young to have one. Party surprises phone collection children toys or other entertaining purposes. Display use – Cell phone store / Phone accessories store display use thanks to its metallic frame and identical weight it is perfect to try out phone cases or other accessories. Material – Premium ABS plastic screen to avoid glass injure identical weight as original phone keys could be pressed but sim card slot could not be pulled out. This product is designated merely for phone store display photographing tools phone case tryout kid plaything prank or other legal use only. It is realistic but its similarity is also controlled at the degree of one should easily tell apart from a real phone.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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