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Backyard Discovery Cedar Cove Swing Set

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Product Name
Backyard Discovery Cedar Cove Swing Set
Product Description

Boredom is never an option with the Cedar Cove Wooden Swing Set by Backyard Discovery. This swing set is action packed with a full assortment of play features perfect for any sized yard. Our unique feature combinations are not typically found on traditional swing sets such as our side-by-side 5 ft challenging rock wall and step ladder our high-quality web swing and dual slide configuration featuring both a spiral tube slide and 10 ft. wave slide. Our step ladder features flat step rungs making entry into a fun filled upper clubhouse easy for any size of foot the extra-long metal safety handles provide extra convenience for your child and peace of mind for you. Once they ve made it into the upper fort they ll enjoy drawing on our built-in chalkboard spotting friends through the built-in pretend telescope or hanging out on the lookout balcony. The 3-position swing beam is equipped with our patented swing beam extender offering wider swinging lanes and a safer experience for everyone. Outdoor play will never be the same with the Backyard Discovery Cedar Cove wooden swing set.***The customer is responsible for the cost of the return shipping fee when you return an oversized item. The return shipping fee generally ranges from $200 to $500 (or more) depending on size and weight of the item.***

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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