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Dulcimer Capo

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Product Name
Dulcimer Capo
Product Description

When you play the dulcimer you will often run into a song that just doesn t sit right in DAD or DAA. Adding one of our mountain dulcimer capos to your instrument changes you instantly to a different tuning without the hassle of adjusting your strings. Instead of playing in just one key you can easily add variety and versatility to your dulcimer playing with our easy on easy off capo. Made specifically for a mountain (Appalachian lap) dulcimer our capo for sale won t hurt your dulcimer s finish. It is easy to use sounds great and is highly recommended for all players beginning through advanced. This capo is made in the USA and will accommodate fretboards as narrow as 1 5/16 and as wide as 1 9/16 .

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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