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National Coney Island Chili With Beans, Canned Chili, 15 oz

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Product Name
National Coney Island Chili With Beans, Canned Chili, 15 oz
Product Description

In 1965, James Giftos had an idea for a Coney Island Restaurant and Chili Company based in Michigan. Nearly 60 years later, National Coney Island® and the National Chili Company® are serving up cravings to fans all over the world. Still family-owned, with locally sourced beef and ingredients, our world-famous chili delivers Good Food, Fast! Simply heat it up in the microwave or warm on the stovetop and enjoy. Our delicious, award-winning chili sauce has just the right amount of spices and seasonings to make it not only a delicious topping for your hot dog, but also a mouth-watering and savory meal with a delectable flavor profile all by itself! With 30 g of protein, it’s a perfect hearty and nutritious meal to grab and go without spending hours in the kitchen. Enjoy it at everything from a dinner with your family, to a backyard cookout or a camping trip with your friends. You’ve seen it featured on the Food Network, now you can get it delivered right to your door. Enjoy the taste of a Michigan Classic.

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Last updated
February 24, 2025

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