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Titanic and the Making of James Cameron (Paperback)

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Titanic and the Making of James Cameron (Paperback)
Product Description

A lively true-life adventure saga...The incredible story of how James Cameron willed Titanic into existence. --Newark Sunday Star Ledger Like the movie this book s a winner [and] the final word on the Hollywood come-from-behind story of the decade. --Parade 14 Academy Award nominations 11 Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director a $1 billion dollar worldwide box office James Cameron s Titanic was and remains a monumental achievement in film. Titanic and the Making of James Cameron by former Hollywood Reporter journalist Paula Parisi recounts the making of this modern classic motion picture from conception to completion offering a fascinating detailed behind-the-scenes look at its stars including Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio its crew and its genius director. Republished in time to commemorate the centennial anniversary of the catastrophic sinking of the gargantuan ocean liner Titanic and the Making of James Cameron is a must-read for Titanic fans and for true movie buffs everywhere.

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March 4, 2025

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