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The Real Wonder Woman and the Annunciation: The Case for Mary, (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Real Wonder Woman and the Annunciation: The Case for Mary, (Paperback)
Product Description

Be swept into the profound story of the Real Wonder Woman, the Mother of God. Set against the backdrop of ancient Judea, this short play is not just a retelling of familiar events; it's a poignant exploration of faith, prophecy, and the transformative power of divine grace. It brings to life the moments when Mary received the earth-shattering news of her divine calling. It invites readers to contemplate the mystery and wonder of how a young woman could bear within her the uncontainable presence of God, the Creator of the Universe who Himself contains the entire Universe within Him. This story describes the human circumstances around this cosmic event, the Message and Mystery of the Incarnation, promising to captivate audiences of all ages reminding us of the New Covenant the Lord has made with each and every one of us, and of the hope Christ brings in our lives and future. Synthesized from the Protoevangelium of James, the Gospels, and the rich tradition of the Church, this skit for teenagers and young adults is appropriate for Bible Camp, Sunday School or College Campus Ministries. It explains why Jesus is the Messiah that was expected at the time of His ministry and why he was expected at exactly that time by the Israelites, and which messianic prophesies He fulfilled. Through meticulous research and profound storytelling, this short play transports readers into the heart of the holy narrative, exploring the depths of Mary's character and the significance of her role in the salvation of humanity. Furthermore, the narrative sheds light on the contrasting reactions of individuals to God's Will. While holy men, like Joseph and Zechariah, the priest and father to John the Baptist faltered in their faith, Mary as well as Elizabeth, the Baptist's mother stood unwavering in their commitment to God's plans. In their dilemmas and troubles, in their troubled times we each see a bit of ourselves. Mary's is a shining example to follow, while the all too human failings of the other protagonists comfort us in overcoming our own challenges. Copyright 2024, by Avenger Books - Contact us for permission prior to transmission through any audiovisual and digital media. Electra Avenger is an MIT trained scientist, daughter, sister, wife and mother. he loves Jesus, his Israelite Mother and Disciples and all the Saints. She loves facts, research and primary sources and detests lies and hand-waving in argumentation. As a scientist she values the Truth, as a Christian she knows the Divine Nature is Truth. Her goal is to fight for Truth with Love in publishing books for teens and young adults about faith and Science, as knowledge unshared is baren and useless. She is also preparing the upcoming podcast: "Truth be told". She humbly asks that you forgive her failings.

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Last updated
September 14, 2024

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