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Fisher-Price Ready2Wear Digital Nursery Monitor

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Product Name
Fisher-Price Ready2Wear Digital Nursery Monitor
Product Description

The Fisher Price Ready2Wear Monitor allows you to travel throughout the house with baby always within earshot. New technology places the receiver in a large wristwatch and the multiple strap options include a wristband a flexible armband and a clip for pants or the bottom of a blouse. The digital technology on the baby nursery monitor automatically finds an open channel removing annoying interference. A series of sound lights lets you see baby s cry and sounds as well as hear them. It also features a transmitter with pager button to locate the receiver if you misplace it and the docking station doubles as a stationary receiver during the night while the monitor conveniently recharges. It is an ideal gift for any parents or parents-to-be giving peace of mind knowing you can always hear your baby.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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