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(2 pack) Emoji Pancake Molds and Egg Rings (4 Pack) for Kids AND Adults - Reusable Silicone Smiley Face Maker Doubles as Cookie Maker Set

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Product Name
(2 pack) Emoji Pancake Molds and Egg Rings (4 Pack) for Kids AND Adults - Reusable Silicone Smiley Face Maker Doubles as Cookie Maker Set
Product Description

Brought to you by Good Cooking -- a unique line of innovative kitchen products that combine sensible function with a sleek modern style. We strive to bring you products that are easy to use easy to clean and easily blend into the contemporary home. Each item is a new twist on a classic product designed to bring you years of Good Cooking. Set of 4 Smiley Face Pancake Molds Good Cooking brings you a set of 4 smiley face pancake molds made of red silicone that is heat resistant scratch resistant and food save. The mold can also be used to shaped fried eggs or as a cookie cutter for your favorite cookie recipe! Each pack of mold features one sun glass face winky face happy face and heart eyed face

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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