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Toast on Toast: Cautionary Tales and Candid Advice (Paperback)

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Product Name
Toast on Toast: Cautionary Tales and Candid Advice (Paperback)
Product Description

Toast on Toast is the must-have book for all budding actors - and non-actors too. In this part memoir part how to act manual Steven Toast draws on his vast and varied experiences providing the reader with an invaluable insight into his journey from school plays to RADA and from It s a Right Royal Knockout to the Colony Club. Along the way he reveals the secrets of his success. He discloses how to brush up on and expand your technical and vocal skills how to nail a professional voiceover and how to deal with difficult work experience staff in a recording studio. He also reveals the dangers of typecasting describes the often ruthless struggle for top billing and shares many awesome nuggets of advice. The end result is a book that will inspire and educate anyone who wants to tread the floorboards. It will also inform (and entertain) anybody who simply wants to discover what a jobbing actor s life is actually like.

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March 4, 2025

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