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Van Zyverden Peonies Sarah Bernhardt 5 Plant Roots Pink Partial Sun Perennial Flowering 2 lbs

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Product Name
Van Zyverden Peonies Sarah Bernhardt 5 Plant Roots Pink Partial Sun Perennial Flowering 2 lbs
Product Description

Peonies are perennials which will live for decades even generations. Some peonies have been known to thrive for 100 years or more. The blooms are outrageously beautiful producing lush glossy green foliage all summer long and turning purplish or gold in the fall. Peonies are as stately and dignified as any shrub. They are somewhat more expensive to propagate but well worth their cost and you should think of them as an investment in your garden. Plant this perennial in a location with partial sun. Van Zyverden Peonies Sarah Bernhardt flowering USDA Hardiness Zones 3-8 2 lbs.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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