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Van Zyverden Tulips Darwin Hybrid Mixture Set of 15 Mammoth Bulbs Mixed Part Sun

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Product Name
Van Zyverden Tulips Darwin Hybrid Mixture Set of 15 Mammoth Bulbs Mixed Part Sun
Product Description

Tulips are the indispensable blooms of the spring garden as they bring it to life! They are unique in range of size shape and bold color found in almost every color spectrum that only tulips provide. Tulips are good for a wide range of plantings are excellent in the rock garden in formal beds as elegant cut flowers and for containers. They can be used in nearly any garden design scheme. Flowers are upward facing with linear to lance shaped green leaves on the stem. Tulip descriptions can become quite technical as they are grouped into 15 different divisions describing the petals stamens and leaves in detail. Let s just enjoy them for what they are - an incredible source of inexpensive color for the garden. Plant several different varieties of tulips throughout the garden to extend the blooming time. Fun Fact: It typically takes about six years to grow a tulip from seed to flower. What makes this mixture so unique is the bulb size. We use giant sized Mammoth 14/+ bulbs - a size normally not commercially available due to the length of time it takes to grow them and the small supply available each season. Plus only certain varieties will grow to this size. This mixture is made up of varieties of the Darwin Hybrid class and they come in brilliantly colored blooms. These tulips are tall traditionally shaped and highly prized by gardeners everywhere for their strong stems and huge flowers. Bigger bulbs means bigger blooms.

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Last updated
January 30, 2025

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