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Van Zyverden Freesias Double Blooming Mixed 25 Bulbs Multicolor Partial Sun Perennial Fragrant 1 lb

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Product Name
Van Zyverden Freesias Double Blooming Mixed 25 Bulbs Multicolor Partial Sun Perennial Fragrant 1 lb
Product Description

Freesias are delicate flowers perfect for cutting. Their sweet scent is extremely fragrant and popular and it is often infused into lotions and perfumes. Freesias are visually stunning. They bloom in abundant clusters with up to eight trumpet-shaped upward-pointing blossoms on leafless stems. Despite popular belief they are easy to grow. These freesias produce double blooms. They are widely available at retail nurseries and mail-order catalogs in mixed colors in single colors. They are unique and make for striking displays in the garden. Plant about 16 bulbs per square foot. They look best grouped. Extend the blooming season in a cut garden by planting a few bi-weekly as they bloom about 10-12 weeks after planting. They can also be grown in pots indoors. Van Zyverden fragrant perennial USDA Hardiness Zones 9-10 1 lb

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Last updated
February 1, 2025

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