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Citrus Magic Odor Absorbing Solid Air Freshener Lavender Escape 8-Ounce Pack of 3

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Product Name
Citrus Magic Odor Absorbing Solid Air Freshener Lavender Escape 8-Ounce Pack of 3
Product Description

Citrus Magic Odor Absorbing Solid Air Freshener Lavender Escape 8-Ounce Pack of 3 - Experience the Magic of our unique odor-eliminating formula that quickly absorbs unpleasant odors while freshening the air. Citrus Magic Air Fresheners continuous long-lasting 24/7 action removes stubborn household smells found in troublesome areas like the bathroom pet areas closets and more. Easily place the container in locations around the home and enjoy the lasting delectable clean smells. Best of all the product is safe and free from a lot of harsh chemicals like parabens phthalates formaldehyde and more. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you have continuous odor relief from smells like smoke cooking odors pets and mildew. It’s like poof and odors have vanished! Just like magic.

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Last updated
March 2, 2025

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