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Early Childhood Education: Supervision in Early Childhood Education (Paperback)

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Early Childhood Education: Supervision in Early Childhood Education (Paperback)
Product Description

Every early care and education program deserves a qualified and competent supervisor. This pioneering text continues to address the special needs of administrators and staff to help them expand and improve their supervisory skills. The first to provide guidelines and practical suggestions for staff training and development in early childhood settings this classic volume is still the best choice for those supervising staff from a wide variety of educational and cultural backgrounds. In this twentieth anniversary edition updated to reflect the many changes that have taken place in the field you ll find: A new chapter on career ladders/lattices. A new chapter on staff selection recruitment and orientation. Promising staff development and evaluation practices that emphasize staff learning and reflection. Continued attention to issues of diversity. Relevant NAEYC accreditation criteria at the end of selected chapters. Emphasis on the development of supervisors as well as staff members. A focus on collaborative relationships and dialogue. Praise for Previous Editions! Specific strategies are offered not only on how to design and implement staff development but also on how a supervisor can continue to improve her or his own skills. --Young Children The authors present practical guidelines for supervisors on the job or in training to work with teachers in day care centers nursery schools Head Start programs school kindergartens or the primary grades. --Journal of Curriculum & Supervision This thorough publication...should be a welcome addition to the school management collection of both the professor and practitioner. --Educational Leadership

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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