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Suburban Metal Dad : Compendium One: Raging Bullsh*t (Years III and IV)

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Product Name
Suburban Metal Dad : Compendium One: Raging Bullsh*t (Years III and IV)
Product Description

Suburban Metal Dad Compendium One: Raging Bullsh*t collects Years III and IV of the terrible webcomic by D.X. Ferris. Metal Dad grew up listening to Megadeth and raging against the machines. But now he s older he has a family and he needs to harmoniously exist with the people around him. So he can t punch his pinhead boss when he wants to. And he usually wants to. Some of the comics are gag-a-day strips. Some are episodes from multi-part storylines. Some are single panels. Some are esoteric (read: poorly written pop-culture references). Sometimes they re bitter. Sometimes they have heart. Sometimes they re running bits. Some are random ideas that have nothing to do with anything. Sometimes they re metal. But they all have a low-tech punk-rock quality (or lack thereof). You re pissed but you know you got it good. This is the struggle. This is Suburban Metal Dad. Compendium One features 162 black & white comic strips eight even-worse demo strips an updated SMD FAQ a foreword and a true-life Metal Dad story (so there s stuff to read too in addition to stick figures and sloppy lettering).

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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