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Yog-Ethos (Paperback)

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Product Name
Yog-Ethos (Paperback)
Product Description

Yoga is the key to the union between the Jeevatma (the self) and the Parmatma (the supreme). The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word Yuj which means to bind or bridge. Through Yoga we bind our body mind and spirit which ought to be united ultimately in our journey of life. These three correspond with the three aspects of yoga. The postures (Asanas) correspond to the body the deep breathing (Pranayam) corresponds to the mind and the meditation (Dhyan) corresponds with the spirit. Breathing bridges the body mind and spirit. With regular practice of yoga the energy system gets balanced and as renewed energy begins to flow freely and evenly throughout the body one begins to feel supple flexible and physically better. Yog-Ethos is a simple compilation of personal experiences and contemporary information for conducting a successful and meaningful yoga session detailing yoga choreography.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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