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Backwoods Cryptography (Paperback)

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Product Name
Backwoods Cryptography (Paperback)
Product Description

Encrypted lyrical poems of real life struggles and strives. Ryan Morrison was raised to walk on faith follow the signs on this road laid out for us. Life is a journey with change of plans people the unexpected. Proud of his down home raising was taught to keep his life simple but his dreams wide open. A man s worth comes from working hands but gentle enough to lift those up in need. From a long line of farmers mechanics musicians blue collar-small town country folks. The fields backwoods backroads dirt roads all have taught him how to slow down when things get bumpy. No stranger to hard times and loss. When life throws dust in your eyes wipe them off and see again. God family friends is your strength. The backwoods is your piece of mind.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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