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Truth of You (Paperback)

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Product Name
Truth of You (Paperback)
Product Description

After many months weeks and days of prayer I asked the Lord to give me the best way to tell His children what He wanted them to know. On the last day of 2009 the title Truth of You came through. Each morning Our Father and I would dialogue and an affirmation would be presented. On each Saturday a meditation was presented and was to be used on Saturday and Sunday. This book contains 262 affirmations and 52 meditations. If these affirmations are studied believed practiced and meditated upon the life of the individual using them will change. You will enter into a communion with our Father to become one with Him. You will come to love Him and He will come to know you. You are where you are because of practice. Read Truth of You and make this year the best year of your life.

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March 4, 2025

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